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Stuffer31 Aileen Legacy Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 12:26:44 Id:70486b No. 176141 [Reply]
I think Aileen just deserves to have her own thread, she is literally the goat. Here's the collection of Aileen I found over the years. I want to archive as much of her stuff as I can! I hope you guys can contribute as well. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9xY1JTaEpJRCNaZXhWOXpoN0lMWWF1WjRsSXRhb2hR=
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>>192388 She looks great I wish there was more of her out there.
Really cute gut on this girl
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sexy french girl 01/11/2025 (Sat) 15:32:12 Id:aaf3ef No. 188816 [Reply]
i dont know where i got these from or who she is. im pretty sure shes french. id like to see more of her. if anyone has vids or knows who she is please share https://gofile.io/d/RbuJ1k
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>>191807 It's the one I uploaded to her stufferdb, check the ig folder
Hm, I must be on the wrong profile on Stufferdb cause I dont see that video on there
>>188819 she has or had an onlyfans by the name foodsexandsorcery2 its on coomer but hasn't been updated in a few years
>>196185 retard, thats a different person
>>196189 jeez guess i was wrong but you should have just corrected me, not a single ounce of kindness around here.

CHERRIES BBW Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 08:02:57 Id:7ca9b7 No. 174520 [Reply]
Starting a new thread I need these bigcuties set: 252,263,267,272,273,274,275,277,278,279,281,282 and from set 284 to 315...Here some old videos. Thank you!!! https://we.tl/t-XORAl5bcnw
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>>195986 Based on the coloration of her nipples, I'd say no she's not pregnant.
>>195986 Morph?
>>196042 It doesn’t look like a morph, but then again I had absolutely no idea her belly had gotten that big. If it’s real she has crossed a major threshold.
>>195986 Honestly thought she was maintaining. She's absolutely massive here
>>195986 Eat eat eat Cherries! We've watched you grow from a skinny little cutie into the fat breeding cow you are now. If you see this then push yourself into ssbbw aize

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Bbwkate Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 15:26:56 Id:c80e50 No. 194887 [Reply]
Bbwkate, nearly 400lbs. Ill start:
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>>194887 >>194893 The skinniest 400lbs I have ever seen
Here is everything I got, without duplicates from the first post https://gofile.io/d/g5yuB2
>>195022 Legendary drop, thanks king. Has anyone ever had a custom from her?
In another folder I dont feel like making a new one https://gofile.io/d/ckKonJ
>>195972 >>195022 Thank you very much for the drops! Amazing!

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Angelique Winters Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 22:53:50 Id:51035b No. 195963 [Reply]
She used to be an old c4s model back in the day. Can’t really find too much about her these days. https://gofile.io/d/Q2ywmR
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I agree, the best part is watching the progression not big blob women
>>195974 I mean yeah no shit if they actually get chubby/fat then cool but if they don't then it's just a bunch of slightly chubby girls filling up the threads. There's already a few.
Funny story: when i was discovering porn and fefishes i came accros this woman. It was the first time in my life that i nutted by porn (i was like 12 i believe). Its a shame she isn’t active anymore. She will always be in my memories as the first woman i saw on the internet i found hot xD. https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-talks-about-weight-gain2/
Here's my entire collection of Angelique. Definitely one of my OG chubby girls even though she never really got big. Still super hot. https://gofile.io/d/axBTjP
>>196160 You are the MAN! I predict your vault may be considered the G.O.A.T. if we were privy to its contents. Thank you for your continued service

Big Cutie Bonnie Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 18:22:52 Id:352720 No. 186705 [Reply]
I know she hasn't gained that much recently, but damn she gotta have the best bellies ever here's something for ya https://gofile.io/d/GjGpFL
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>>194447. I couldn’t stay subscribed to her anyway or any of these models that literally make you pay for OF which is cool but then also charge $15-20 each video they upload to OF and especially to someone whose basically stayed around the same size for a very long time up until basically mid last year
Lets see how long it stays up... so take it fast https://gofile.io/d/AA5VGF
>>195883 aaaaand it’s already down 😂
>>196138 Mods need to bump lock this thread. She pays a company that takes down anything related to her name As this thread is named "Big Cutie Bonnie" verbatim, anything posted here is getting sniped
>>196157 To be clear the solution is to create a new thread under the name like "you know who" but taht can't happen until this thread is down

BBWDAISY_ Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 04:41:08 Id:504aca No. 196004 [Reply]
Surprised she hasn't had a thread yet but she's gotta crazy huge gut, ass, and makes decent enough content. Here's what I got so far https://gofile.io/d/6e7xCV

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Arilove Bruhhhhh 11/13/2024 (Wed) 22:57:46 Id:88bd24 No. 181480 [Reply] [Last]
Former twitch streamer who sometimes releases belly content. Still streams on kick. Has a coomer. Anyone ever follow her?
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Sheeeeesh.. looking fucking round lads
>>195941 jesus that first pic... she actually getting wide now
where she stream? stripchat or where?
>>195991 twitch and kick. a little more risque on kick as it allows more, and she has already received multiple twitch bans, so better behaved there
>>195941 It's all those burgers and white claws

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Big Angel Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:05:37 Id:07c2a6 No. 191973 [Reply]
I am making this thread so people have a place to post their favorite images and videos of these cute girls
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what is the appeal of these girls in japan? Doesn't seem explicitly catering to fat fetishists and Japan isn't exactly overflowing with obese people
>>195816 Idol culture and not everything is made to be blunt; there's a whole mile between not doing something and going 100% into something.
>>195816 It's a body positivity thing, but there's definitely a sexual element to it and they know about it. Inori-chan's solo song on their album basically translates to "hurry up and tell me, do you like chubby or skinny?" If you look them up on twitter, they're in the same circles as the out-and-out bbw models, weight gain girls, that kind of stuff. Some of them follow each other. Honestly I'm sure they're just girls who are aware that some guys are into that sort of thing, and they want to capitalize on it. Most of them were idols before they were fat and wanted to keep the idol life going. I'm okay with that!
>>195864 >It's a body positivity thing Then why did you unload all that stuff that says it's actually about the money and attention? >Most of them were idols before they were fat Every time I ended running into a fat Japanese girls account that says she was an idol, it always kills me not knowing how they ended up putting on all the weight.
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>>195958 >not knowing how they ended up putting on all the weight. Michiko, the leader, detailed how she got so big after being skinny her whole life and moonlighting as a model to boot: https://youtu.be/q0MKaa152dU?t=59

Babymae Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:20:35 Id:cde2e4 No. 167133 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have any more babymae videos She's underrated https://gofile.io/d/6dOZYi
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found this: https://spankbang.com/cotfz-qpa89s/playlist/ssbbw
>>195555 It’s asking me to send them a photo of my face, fuck that shit! Use gofile!
>>195608 >https://spankbang.com/cotfz-qpa89s/playlist/ssbbw >>195608 are you drunk?
>>195947 He's in a MAGA state, or country that has hoops for porn.

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Candii Candii 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:13 Id:ccc0a2 No. 184451 [Reply] [Last]
Accidentally deleted the last thread https://gofile.io/d/yXqw6y Stay on topic and keep the whinging and trolling to a minimum.
Edited last time by Architect on 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:41.
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Either I'm tripping balls or Candii is actually getting FAT finally... Am I crazy or has she actually picked up the pace? How many years has it been? 6? Maybe 3 more and we'll see her hit 250 lol. Wish she would invest a little more into her photo setup. It's absolutely obscene that she rakes in so much money yet takes vids on a fucking iPhone. And ALWAYS vertical orientation... retarded. Someone get this girl a Sony camera please >>196655 Are you fucking 12? Stfu
>>196568 this Custom video is for you my boy. You've been promoted https://gofile.io/d/ib1PLM>>196568
>>196707 Dude thx that was pretty hot. Are most ur customs belly button focused??
I dare whoever's doing customs to request Candii a POV bounce on belly custom
>>196757 that was my last contribution soldiers. could u believe this faggot try to block me and so many of my friends for commenting? I'm done with this thread fuck u admin. I'm opening a new thread or porn site boys.

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Caroline Quinn Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 08:19:21 Id:f3c485 No. 162044 [Reply] [Last]
Started as a fat cam model and has gained a bunch of weight over the past year, and just recently started on Curvage, seems like she’s leaning into the feederism stuff now. Linking her coomer and the small amount of content I have https://gofile.io/d/gChDSG https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ilovecaroline https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/262659-carolinequinn/
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>>195675 i think it’s very hot honestly, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but i still think she’s beautiful
Bonkers how pretty her face is. She was almost skinny in 2020…but had converted to fat girl in 22 and never stopped.
>>195735 Got any photos from 2020 or before? Would love to see them.
>>195675 I've developed a reptile brain association with nose piercings and fat girls, so me likey BIG
>>195741 Go to her coomer and check out the earliest vids.

ChubbyDumpling7 Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 20:51:08 Id:af392e No. 180901 [Reply]
No she's not a tranny so don't report this thread. Fucking NEED this girl's newer vids!!! Here's something to start you lot off: https://gofile.io/d/44cZFU
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>>192095 something about stomach problems i believe. it always happens to the good ones where they end up leaving for a good while its a shame hopefully she can bounce back doughier than ever
Hey! Appreciate the share big time! But the RP video I'm actually looking for was the one from Jan. 22, 2024. It's one of the clips that are listed as not available for purchase on her page. Still thx so much! But anyway, as promised, here's a batch from my collection, unwatermarked. These date back to 2023 but I hope these are satisfying. Will some more later. Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/VE97qx
>>192449 appreciate the drop king but one of your videos in the files (The one with the title involving her friends ditching her) its shaky for some reason, could you fix it?
BUMP! https://gofile.io/d/3Kn5bx Here's another batch from my collection, unwatermarked, as promised. Again, 2023 stuff but hope it serves.
>>195744 >https://gofile.io/d/3Kn5bx appreicate it brother

Sweet Chubby Ren Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:11:20 Id:491efa No. 189493 [Reply]
Curvage Model https://gofile.io/d/Ste5xB
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Here's some vids that I found https://gofile.io/d/TocGY2
does she do stuff any where else besides curvage? also theres a video of her in here https://gofile.io/d/f5REZg
>>195512 Yes, through t3legram as the video says
>>195512 I only post my videos on curvage. But i also sell my unedited vids + playing naked tits on my telegram and you can message me on curvage if you want 🥰

MissRubyLuxe Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 05:14:47 Id:1a19a3 No. 180392 [Reply]
Starting a thread of this beautiful slob bbw. Anyone have Sexy Fatty Eats Too Many Birthday Cakes? Here are some of her messy vids of my own: https://we.tl/t-51xZwQmHra
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man, she is so hot
She's great. Miss her content.
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