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BBW Chloe Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 11:08:52 Id:ad5f53 No. 178367 [Reply] [Last]
It's been a while since there was a Chloe thread so let's try if we can restart one. Here what i have https://gofile.io/d/6RJibw
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>>191447 There’s no way. She looks 250 max. Sounds like someone is lying for money
>>191140 Was 400 as a goal mentioned by her in a video? If so which
>>191705 This might be the thanksgiving one you're talking about. https://gofile.io/d/gUCgNM
>>191729 >https://gofile.io/d/gUCgNM thanks, friend
When she was at her heaviest, she was the best bbw

TFA Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 16:52:42 Id:2e4dc2 No. 192184 [Reply]
How come there isn't a topic for it? https://onlyfans.com/mimi.foxy2012 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/220495-thickfoxyasian/ My contributions: https://gofile.io/d/UPh1bn
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>>192312 mb must’ve gone wrong in upload i’ll do it later
I thought she quit
Either way, here are a bunch of her curvage vids https://gofile.io/d/pxOXui
>>192391 Goat <3

ChubbyDumpling7 Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 20:51:08 Id:af392e No. 180901 [Reply]
No she's not a tranny so don't report this thread. Fucking NEED this girl's newer vids!!! Here's something to start you lot off: https://gofile.io/d/44cZFU
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>>192018 https://gofile.io/d/0c0T4P here you go king sharing more of her is always welcome she's both sexy and cute its a real shame she hasn't uploaded in a while due to health issues
>>192089 This is amazing! also what kind of health issues is she dealing with?
>>192095 something about stomach problems i believe. it always happens to the good ones where they end up leaving for a good while its a shame hopefully she can bounce back doughier than ever
Hey! Appreciate the share big time! But the RP video I'm actually looking for was the one from Jan. 22, 2024. It's one of the clips that are listed as not available for purchase on her page. Still thx so much! But anyway, as promised, here's a batch from my collection, unwatermarked. These date back to 2023 but I hope these are satisfying. Will some more later. Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/VE97qx
>>192449 appreciate the drop king but one of your videos in the files (The one with the title involving her friends ditching her) its shaky for some reason, could you fix it?

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NaughtySalamander NaughtySalamanderanon 01/26/2025 (Sun) 04:18:14 Id:2ed4be No. 190639 [Reply]
anyone else got new vids of her? she got fucking huge recently https://gofile.io/d/8eCxC9
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>>191520 Her paid OF is not up to date, last post was over a year ago now
New vid https://gofile.io/d/5sYhxa
King!! What the hell has she been eating? She’s exploded!
Real talk she is so fat now! Love it when a hot edgy girl like this just lets herself go! Ive seen pics of her in a dominos uniform. Maybe a bit too much pizza. Good god look at that big fat belly!
Any hot videos she posted where she's rubbing or stomach?

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SoftShortNSweet Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 14:26:28 Id:94b0cd No. 175843 [Reply] [Last]
Seen someone started a thread for here earlier. Must of got deleted due to no content. Anyway any contributions would be appreciated. https://gofile.io/d/KwwOE6
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>>186827 Word.
>>186827 I second this. You would do well to ignore some of the posters here
Coomer updated and she is looking ripe.
She is looking amazing....
>>192240 some definite gains judging by how her face seems to be filling out

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Alexasgains 01/28/2025 (Tue) 20:43:08 Id:a76e3a No. 190971 [Reply]
Idk where she went Order's kinda mixed but here's almost all her vids: Newer: https://gofile.io/d/swseAM Older: https://gofile.io/d/7kGwrC
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>>192012 Also if you actually wanted to prove credentials you’d just need to post something of her that never got posted publicly before or similar. At least that might imply you know more. No one either knows or gives a shit who you actually are so posting something with you in is pointless lol. Again our interest is in the chubby chick, not you.
who gives a fuck if she was just in it for the cash too. everyone's got a different motivation.
If they aren't into for real they are less likely to stick with it and more likely to beg for money and disappear for long periods. And some weirdos bones know if she's not into it.
>>192004 source: trust me bro thanks for the drops everyone, legends
>>192012 blow it out your ass

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Chubby girls on tiktok live? Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 10:03:54 Id:b27712 No. 191688 [Reply]
Thread for chubby tiktok girls who livestream. I have an app called rewatch live that allows you to download recordings of TikTok livestreams, it’s like 20$/month but I’m down bad so whatever. The way it works is you put someone’s @ and it begins to automatically record any livestreams they do which can then be downloaded. People with >1k followers are much more likely to already have recorded streams from someone else. If there’s someone you want to see or want to make a contribution, drop their TikTok @ and I’ll add their videos to the mega I’ve created. I’ve attached a few already https://mega.nz/folder/Zh5UzaZa#47y89hegQT4exaVGT_RKng
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who's the girl in the red top?
>>191991 Her @ is thats.all.for.now.folks she’s got a few decent lives with her tummy hanging out
>>192039 Doesn’t have any live streams saved, has she ever done any? I can set it to record any future ones if so
>>192054 Yess 100% sure, maybe this is a new account. i think the old one was deledet.

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Big Cutie Lily devilishfeedist 12/29/2024 (Sun) 17:19:48 Id:ab6f8f No. 187124 [Reply]
Has anyone got Big Cutie Lily's picture sets, in particular her early ones? By way of a thank you, here is a grab bag of clips and pics for your enjoyment: https://gofile.io/d/90c2627d-fcd2-40e6-a2c5-f72d568ac446
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The model who is becoming a goat! She is really beautiful and deserves more attention! It's sad that she's lost some weight recently.
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The model who is becoming a goat! She is really beautiful and deserves more attention! It's sad that she's lost some weight recently.
I'm glad she stepped away to take care of her mental health, I hope she's happy. She definitely had a great run and should be considered one of the hottest to ever do it.
>>188108 She’s was amazing but she is finished now
>>187142 >>187146 >>187147 How yall gonna bait like this and never follow up smh

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Chubby Katharina Agapow 01/31/2025 (Fri) 02:43:53 Id:ba797d No. 191443 [Reply]
I always wanted to show off my figure.
what a cutie
Lovely belly-hang, are you currently gaining?

Babymae Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:20:35 Id:cde2e4 No. 167133 [Reply]
Does anyone have any more babymae videos She's underrated https://gofile.io/d/6dOZYi
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>>167133 New vid on curvage
Here is her newest video: https://gofile.io/d/14vPVZ Hopefully someone has more videos of her
thanks man you are amazing.
Thanks all, and anyone who says her face is busted go touch grass
it's an older video, but still a very hot one https://gofile.io/d/WWhVS1

Legendary Gainer Hayden Blue 01/28/2025 (Tue) 06:30:21 Id:b410f7 No. 190911 [Reply]
I have seldom heard her talked about and believe she is criminally underrated. She didn't just depend upon her gorgeous figure and sultry gaze to produce content, the content she made is immaculate disregarding her beauty. The role-play, dirty-talk, masturbation and jiggling are all top notch and worthy of this praise. Unfortunately she's virtually fallen off the face of the Earth and hasn't made any new content in years. Here are the clips I have of her, enjoy fellas. https://gofile.io/d/fD9nUa https://gofile.io/d/rNGPtY
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https://gofile.io/d/5Fpgxd here's a slightly different version of the video in OP's first link. i bought it off curvage, so i assume she recorded a "cleaner" version of it to post to the site. she had a great body, though. i bought the clip pretty much just for those first 5 minutes. her thigh spread and the way her belly spills out over her lap is insanely hot.
Here are the two I have. One is her eating with another chick. https://gofile.io/d/nCjTBF
Jeez imagine an ssbbw 400+ pound Hayden. This community would’ve melted down. I know someone mention previously how she went to work in healthcare and had to stop making content, yet lockdown would’ve provided the perfect opportunity for piling on the pounds. Lofty ambitions I guess.
Big collection of her videos here https://www.xvideos.com/channels/haydenblue#_tabVideos I like how she did PAWG stuff for years then slowly transitioned to bbw. Shame she's apparently retired. Her curvage account is still active, and it says she visited the site today, but she hasn't posted anything since last July, and all she posted was an old Pic.
>>191062 We definitely missed out on that. She was definitely approaching 360 during covid

Natusik Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 22:57:32 Id:52118b No. 189354 [Reply]
Bringing this thread back. Here's everything I have, hope someone out there has more. https://gofile.io/d/OSx5hm
Alot of these vids are corrupted when I download them
>>189369 What media player are you using? mine work fine on vlc
Does anyone know when he will return?
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lilb4tfac3dgiirl Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 00:02:38 Id:e94619 No. 183059 [Reply]
found out about this beautiful girl a couple of weeks ago, decided to buy a couple of videos today, including her most recent weigh in if anyone has anymore of her content or is considering buying and sharing (3$ per clip) it would be appreciated https://gofile.io/d/tpB4wY
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Shame she quit, I thought she had potential. But on the other hand, this it quite typical story. In reality making customs doesn't sit nicely for many content creators yet at glance it seems like best way to make money so many new girls try it. The pic where she is wearing cap while being sideways in OP is IMO still fucking hot one.
so seeing as she's pretty much gone does anyone have any videos left of her that haven't been shared? I already put out the videos I bought from her so the best I can offer is a reup of all the shared stuff onto one link https://gofile.io/d/t111tA
>>191408 Here's a couple more recent videos. Vacate your prostates, soldiers https://gofile.io/d/CkWxwk
Thx for the upload Super hot
She was just starting to get big-big too, hope she comes back

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Piggyjrc Piggyjrc 01/13/2025 (Mon) 03:10:57 Id:732a5d No. 189016 [Reply]
Was wondering if anyone has any more of her videos: https://gofile.io/d/GkJtRy
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Wow she is one fat hog Looks like she was a lot bigger in 2020/21 tho
You are a legend thank you sir
Most if not all of this has been posted, but i might aswell share what i have https://gofile.io/d/WCEx88

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Eva36D Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 19:50:57 Id:2b4c9e No. 170616 [Reply]
Does anyone have something from Eva? She's my favorite and I can't find anything good :( This is all I have: https://gofile.io/d/KkGscV
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Holy hell, is that even her? If we going to see Eva finally commit, that's a miracle. But that said, that's certainly the largest belly we've ever seen her with; no question.
>>191923 Aged 15 years in the past 5. Should have eaten more and smoked less
Nigga she's Slavic they age terrible
>>191923 i was surprised how big she was in the vid in post >173004
