/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Lost Media Thread Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 01:09:08 Id:347d4d No. 191021 [Reply] [Last]
THIS IS NOT A BEGGING THREAD! This is a thread for discussing and posting content that is no longer availbe for purchase and can't be found anywhere else. Here's an example: Babybee was a model on Curvage, but now all her clips are no longer for sale. Here's the three videos I've managed to save in my archive: https://gofile.io/d/UDmrNh
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I feel like i'm losing my god damned mind. A few years ago I had a full rip of a woman named Iona's webpage, she's a scottish ssbbw and I swear to god I cannot find anything on her anymore to purchase and I lost the data in a hdd failure and now I feel like it was a hallucination. Any leads?
>>196981 Are you sure it was Iona and not Ivanna? I know there's a stufferdb page for Ivanna who's from the UK. https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/5526
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Looking for any biggsoftie videos, here’s a picture of at least one that I haven’t been able to find anywhere. Here’s a mega with what I’ve compiled so far https://mega.nz/folder/k9YlDIqB#lXl_9S7Oz5fqqRnpsCq1hw
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>>196988 unfortunately no. Managed to find this if anyone recognizes here, and at least now I know i'm not crazy and it was indeed vavavoombbw
https://gofile.io/d/44cZFU https://gofile.io/d/E2tqGT https://gofile.io/d/B15wzz https://gofile.io/d/BehOLD https://gofile.io/d/7M3kvS https://gofile.io/d/2nPf9E https://gofile.io/d/MkmlFa https://gofile.io/d/zDyqwZ https://gofile.io/d/nS0hLj

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BBW Asian Thread III Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 15:47:47 Id:088078 No. 179564 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got bumplocked. Gotta start fresh once again with more fatties of asian descent influenced by the likes of gluttony/plus sized modeling
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>>196589 There's a Hinano video in the Ami folder, which I'm not complaining about, but I am wondering if anyone knows if any of Hinano's newer content is any good. I think it was touched on up-thread but only once.
>>196357 reup please?
anyone know who this is?
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>>196802 Sakurano Yuzu That's from BBWM-04 Parts 1 & 2 are available on DUGA, but it's steep https://duga.jp/ppv/fetis-0051/ https://duga.jp/ppv/fetis-0052/
>>195967 Source?

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New Juicy Angel Thread 12/04/2024 (Wed) 17:17:45 Id:cd5af4 No. 184066 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have the video oficial the imagen? https://gofile.io/d/Bf9ETW
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She is a private video
>>194036 damn i hope she gets better soon
>>193859 https://gofile.io/d/GU4LlK
Reups: https://gofile.io/d/fUE8at

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Lonelygirltv Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:32:28 Id:496b49 No. 188965 [Reply] [Last]
I think I found a gem for upcoming time, I don’t know if she is new or already made content, but she’s kinda hot and we can make her hotter with fattening her up. Hope others do agree with me ;). She’s supper hot and can get hotter with every pound if shes hooked. In the video I shared you can’t see her full belly because the shot does cut it off, hope the next ones that I’ll buy will be better, enjoy! You can find her on curvage! https://gofile.io/d/PBLJMg
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>>193247 Agreed. It's been shown that eating well is a form of therapy. I hope she gets lots of therapy.
>>192717 >>193269 Back from "vacation" with the sex partner who doesn't like her doing fetish shit (how ironic, met her on OF). Says she's making "progress" with her mental stability, but is sounding just as messed up. My advice is stay away. Won't be renewing my sub.
>>196942 Thank you so much!
>>196942 are these recent? thanks for the link

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Candii v2 Anonymous 03/12/2025 (Wed) 17:24:07 Id:23a1d3 No. 197041 [Reply]
Starting a fresh thread, resharing Sarge’s last post with the custom vid - https://gofile.io/d/ib1PLM Mods please leave this up
Hey I need some help trying to find candii's St. Patrick's day vidoes
>>197092 I have one from last year here you go brotha https://mega.nz/file/rolgmKiS#yM3dNm29c3QqojVZs_fmufLW7gweOrQxUyUX-Sa3wg4

Underrated BBWs Thread NopeGuy 01/06/2024 (Sat) 06:20:27 Id:3f21e0 No. 142712 [Reply] [Last]
I made this thread for the bodacious BBWs who deserve more attention but wouldn't warrant an entire thread on their own. Whether that be because they're retired, are new and/or don't have too much to share, or just got buried Included: - Arana Coyote - BBW Peach - Cutejayne - Danica Moon - GemmiKakes - HelaBelaBBW - HoneyBunTV - HungrylilKitty - Jasmine Torres - Juliette Michele - KatiesBigFatButt - Klairvayzor - MammaGerth - Miss Magpie - MissLunaMagic

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GoddessSpanks lost my load over her so many times, smoking hot!
>>196883 Great shape. 10/10. Shame about the tattoo.
>>191670 Shit, I thought you were me. I just left a comment like that.
Flow3r_kitt3n aka on reddit plumpmeup6244 is very underrated as a whole.

Reybbw Anonymous 03/11/2025 (Tue) 12:29:26 Id:9520d9 No. 196927 [Reply]
Looking for her "familys' reaction video" Here is something to start the thread https://gofile.io/d/RT2pRH
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Her feeder stuff is so fucking good
>>197057 She deleted both of her onlyfans accounts,I believe. No clue why
>>197061 She deleted tumblr too. Sounds like she's choosing to fall off the feederism grid entirely. Bellyfairy is still up and she's the girl Rey's done the most content with. I doubt she'd respond to anyone on tumblr about it, but if any OF subs want to ask her why Rey left, that's probably the best shot anyone has at getting an answer.
Whelp, here's to hoping she's just hunkering down with her mutual gaining bf and randomly comes back noticeably bigger.
>>197037 Nah bro I think her OF might be gone maybe I’m wrong but the links on link tree are broken for both… I get mine from the c.su

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Bigcutie Skylar Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 17:17:32 Id:1b0923 No. 136163 [Reply] [Last]
Hottest remaining BC model
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She posted a part two of the sprite chugging video on her instagram…..
>>196567 Whats her instagram?
>>196283 Daaaamn her love handles in the last preview pic look absolutely delicious!
>>196283 Well there goes the custom I paid good $$ for XD
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New set looks interesting

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Amateur BBW appreciation thread Anonymous 03/12/2025 (Wed) 15:27:31 Id:20a6a8 No. 197020 [Reply]
Thread for new and starting bbw’s to give them some spotlight. I’ll go first: Found this chubby girl on YouTube softangelcoco who’s got a great curvy shape and some big boobs, and a nice chubby belly. Reminds me a lot of Immogenize from way back then with how she’s shaped and she says she won’t be surprised if she gains more weight, really hope she starts posting on the patreon and other stuff from her linktree. Show her some appreciation, just posted yesterday: https://m.youtube.com/@softangelcoco
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>>197020 I miss the heyday of obscure youtube fatties, poor recordings and all. It feels like you could find them far more than now (which probably due to sites like instagram and tiktok i suppose.) They had a better feel than a lot of the ones now do for me.
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>>197034 Just subbed to her OF, it’s absolutely unreal. I shit you not there’s literally hundreds of full length videos and no PPVs, and she actually seems enthusiastic about feedism. She seems to be getting more popular recently though
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Super hot new gainer on curvage. Named Sophiesbelly. Almost doubled her weight so far in a few years and is seemingly not going to stop soon.
>>197064 she did some really nice videos with another hot chubby chick called squishy bae, she's also worth checking out
>>197064 Yeah her content is pretty good hopefully she'll reach 200lbs

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Princess thiccie 03/12/2025 (Wed) 20:00:57 Id:dacc60 No. 197062 [Reply]
What happened to her!?

Alice angel (aliceangelpremium) 03/12/2025 (Wed) 19:11:53 Id:23b9e8 No. 197053 [Reply]
Fine girl https://gofile.io/d/VvVTvr

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Lucy Collett/Vixen Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:26:13 Id:1c6d24 No. 154888 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any of her vids? Particularly her belly play stuff? Here's a few for yous. https://mab.to/t/705orSdCPjb/eu1
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Bru that's fuck up I donated lol. And I tried to get a custom and she didn't even do it yet I keep getting a response be patient.its been like a month actually over a month
New cake smash video sorry for quality idk why it did bad quality it's only 720 on of https://gofile.io/d/EPbhZ8
Imagine how big shed be if she never got lipo
If your internet connection drops it scales down the video which must have happened when you screen recorded it.

Housecow Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 00:55:46 Id:84c2f7 No. 176471 [Reply] [Last]
Tumblr gainer, now on Curvage. Over 300 lbs, gained a lot in the last year or so. Here's her first Curvage video, apparently she also has videos for sale in a Google drive if anyone has them gofile.io/d/Cnw064
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She just updated her weight on Feabie to 329. Looks like “slowing down the gain” isn’t going so well. Check out her tumblr, she is looking absolutely enormous, can’t wait to see her blow past 350, what a massive, gluttonous babe, she’s really unable to stop herself it seems.
She said she was slowing down but admitted to drink heavy cream and eating 6000+ calories everyday on Tumblr. What an out of control cow.
She's simply the best
>>195982 thanks bro really awesome stuff (me praying the mods FOR ONCE remove pirated content so i can keep my access to the drive lmao)
>>196967 That’s not pirated that’s all stuff housecow has shared on here

Latinas Feederism 01/01/2024 (Mon) 19:46:54 Id:a9ef30 No. 142071 [Reply] [Last]
Starting a thread of latinas feedees Here are some vídeos https://we.tl/t-iMT1SPvKcu
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Meant to attach this in the prior post https://gofile.io/d/koMNgz
>>195551 piggyfer
>>195568 Yeah, but like 75% of Indians don't have Mongoloid eyes
>>195526 You know her name?

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Alice Valentine (Formerly CurvyGothGF + GainingGothGF) Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 22:20:37 Id:d90f54 No. 183828 [Reply] [Last]
Best fucking model ever, does some king have her latest weigh in vid? My humble contribution: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aU1ZFaEg=
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Did she ever make the super spy 2 video?
You patriQts want a 63 video drop with a side of MAGA? 63 video CurvyGothGf folder: https://gofile.io/d/gP6t0B
>>195743 She’s a fucking goddess. And you sir, are a king. No one compares to Alice’s hotness imo
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Oh shit she’s doing it for realsied this time. She looks like how she plumed herself up by sitting standing now.
>>196945 I’ve never seen a better shape on a BBW. She looks so soft and perfect
