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Christmas Themed Content Anonymous 12/23/2024 (Mon) 18:32:14 Id:4ef2c7 No. 186363 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/mrDyfn Figured I’d share a few festive clips I have Feel free to share any you guys may have
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>>186363 >https://gofile.io/d/9uR5I4 who is this girl in red?
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>>186415 Chubby Girl Videos https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/200
This is a shot in the dark, but I remember a video I really want to find again. The following is what I remember >light skinned latina-ish >eating, possibly whipped cream >with Christmas lights around her thats all I can remember, any tips are apreciated
>>188509 Chubbygirlvideos, the girl in the pic above, also has a video like that. No whip cream tho https://stufferdb.com/picture?/443807/category/200
>>186415 >https://gofile.io/d/mrDyfn That's Babybee (retired curvage model)

Giving away my vault Giveaway 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:45:23 Id:2c1397 No. 183271 [Reply] [Last]
Hello. I’m giving away my Curvage vault. I will be uploading the files during the next two weeks or so. Pnce I have uploaded everything, I will be deleting all of my accounts, including the gofile premium. ((I also will probably upload some of my Gemini s31 screen recordings and things if time allows)). https://gofile.io/d/PClc1N https://gofile.io/d/NU5OnC https://gofile.io/d/26hU7x
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Did Aileen from stuffer31 gain weight or was it pregnancy?
Can you share the c*tie s31 plz.
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who is she?
>>189287 chubbyfoxxy
>>183271 who is this?

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Voreacious Thread smithjoey 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:48:51 Id:5c50f8 No. 188177 [Reply]
Surprised there’s no thread on this amazing woman. Her burps and belly are out of this world!! Feel free to share more https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BwWpWO7rE_6-PBoDEmC6QU6s6Wqggo4a
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>>188192 Yeah I think she’s done. This is the longest break she’s taken
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her old stuff is incredible, wish I could find more than whats on stufferdb
First time I see her. Wow she’s amazing
>>188177 i still think this is the best video she ever produced. she looks fucking MASSIVE here.
Wasn't she in a relationship with Bones? The vore artist

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Tianastummy Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 09:51:55 Id:f42b73 No. 172305 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread since the last one is gone
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https://gofile.io/d/1RjoDd These are all just pictures but I thought she looked massive and would share them
>>187689 Baby face doble chin, i love this. Tenderness
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(It's actually quite impressive that she's reached this point)
>>192337 For a moment I really thought she was back
>>192341 I know i just made the comment in reference that although she isn't there yet, she is reaching Kitty Piggy's proportions

cubby baby 12/20/2024 (Fri) 10:57:36 Id:b97c3d No. 185974 [Reply]
Re-upload of everything shared on this site to start the thread https://gofile.io/d/7QB8Yf
>>185974 Sexy af
Keep up the good work!

D0ubl€D€nis€ 02/11/2022 (Fri) 20:26:01 Id:336ccc No. 76231 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got som of her vids? Fresh Eliza Allure material in return. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVWxaUXpsaFlqUjZOV1U9
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>>189262 She looks bigger. What do yall think? I feel (want to believe) that she would be a total hog for the right feedee in person, she'd do the hardcore feedism shit with you, even though she is pretty tame in the videos I've seen
>>189407 Ty man you da best!

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Idakissxo Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:21:02 Id:ea9e70 No. 174038 [Reply]
Anyone have any of her vids? https://gofile.io/d/LUGKjX
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Great! thanks!
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Her big fat belly deserves an award 🥇
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Such a shame she was criminally underrated when she was posting
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Top 5 all time honestly I wish ppl had more of this girl I didn’t find her til she disappeared

dee's weight gain 01/09/2025 (Thu) 20:21:18 Id:bb75ac No. 188607 [Reply]
there used to be a lot of videos of her back in the day but its hard to find anything nowadays. heres my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/MtvAkt
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>>188871 Thanks brotha And I’d like to see the others if you feel like posting them
https://gofile.io/d/gN9aaT This is all I have Hope anyone else have any more vids from here
some videos I got https://gofile.io/d/LRtSgl
she was always so hot, such a shame she lost so much weight
>>189259 Really?

GrowingGirl2.0 Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 23:00:13 Id:4198dd No. 188625 [Reply]
Quite the underrated model IMO. Don't have much content, but here's my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/vIEHF1
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>>188693 i'll be her sister
>>188669 yep, too much talk and too little gains
https://gofile.io/d/X7Ss6v bump

KrimsonKT Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 08:05:41 Id:e6920d No. 189132 [Reply]
Underrated model imo. https://gofile.io/d/OTR4sr
Underrated indeed, I had never heard of her but she's hot.

Carmy thread C@rmita B 12/17/2024 (Tue) 18:22:26 Id:41cfac No. 185661 [Reply]
Not sure if she deserves a dedicated thread as she's not an outright gainer or BBW. But makes a lot of weight gain content and is hot as fuck + it's so much better than half the girls on here who put in no effort
some vids i found https://www.cambro.tv/1197795/carmita-bonita-weigh-gain/ https://www.cambro.tv/1197851/carmita-bonita-hooters-fatty/ https://www.cambro.tv/869629/carmita-bonita-potion/ there's a ton more in the suggested vids too
she kinda looks like candi and she even has her same body type
https://gofile.io/d/1XjpyT Love this one
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Yelilaglotona Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:48:22 Id:8e7727 No. 188969 [Reply]
Can we do something do double up the size of this women as soon as possible? She’s cute hot and imagine her double in size! Here are two hot videos so I convince you to help the girl out, she’s also from this Latina gang where all of them try to gain weight so she really really wants this and enjoys it, shes on curvage by the way;) Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/FadhsN
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Damn imagine a double belly and her thighs double in size
I really see hope in here too https://gofile.io/d/tsvaQR
reminds me of Monica Latina

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Chubby Cheeks 12/29/2024 (Sun) 18:00:09 Id:a7e459 No. 187130 [Reply]
This is probably a long shot, but do any of you remember this girl? She used to post on YouTube around 2019ish, and also had an OF with some different name that I can't remember unfortunately. She disappeared some years ago, at least under that name, and I had only managed to archive some of her content. Would any of you guys happen to have more of her stuff, especially from the OF? Would be much appreciated. Here's what I've got: https://gofile.io/d/wdHlq2
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>>187130 my kawaii fat belly didn't have an OF, just the youtube and her deviantart. After people kept begging her, she set up a paypall or a patreon so they could send her money if they wanted, but she was always only ever in it for the fetish. Her youtube channel is gone, but the deviantart still exists (my kawaii little belly). I wish she would come back. She was a GOAT
Bump here's a vid I found aHR0cHM6Ly9tLnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9WkZKX0tjS0tfc28= Please drop button pop vid
i've uploaded all vids i had from her last year on sdb, she's my fav oat
this girl got me into this scene over half a decade ago back in like 2018 I think - fucking wild to think about... she's still my favorite of all time, anyone know why she disappeared? I remember in her last video was "the flowy green shirt"
ahah exactly, she disapear cause of a youtuber who made fun of her
