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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Devithikk Dootster 09/10/2024 (Tue) 17:31:51 Id:0e30bd No. 173146 [Reply]
fuck i love her https://gofile.io/d/usjZnW
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+1 https://gofile.io/d/CmzTZA

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Our Girl Alexandra Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 17:58:11 Id:891515 No. 141569 [Reply] [Last]
LEGENDS NEVER DIE. Last thread lasted 2 years. Time to renew. Make sure to pull everything you want from the old thread. aHR0cHM6Ly9jb29tZXIuc3Uvb25seWZhbnMvdXNlci9hbGV4YW5kcmFhc2NlbmRz
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Just when I was trying to make a good before/after comparison, she posts a full body shot for us. What a babe!
>>189578 tbh she's already pretty blobbish, she's just got godsent proportions
She’s definitely gained, the last year or so especially - just looks massive
She's one of the few woman who give me this vibe: The "attractive woman keeps getting spoiled and can't control herself, so the pounds pile on which result in more attention and spoiling, and thus more pounds."
Most of her newest stuff has been in IG stories. Otherwise very dry season.

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localfatgirl88 Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 13:01:39 Id:b644ce No. 193858 [Reply]
This girl is just fantastic! Does anyone know if there’s newer stuff than what can be found on coomer? https://mega.nz/folder/lbFDWb7K#vPNmMvMZXMmqMznfy_Tcow

Chubbie Bunnie Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 21:15:45 Id:62f97d No. 184186 [Reply]
Wondering if someone have the newest vid. Here's my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/78639615-6c54-4f1f-888c-1c390e4a992f
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Anyone reup cruise vid?
>>193741 She looks thicker. Slow but steady gain. Has she mentioned a limit?
>>193826 Those aren’t that new, few months old. Someone’s poor attempt to bump the thread

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Carmen Lafox Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 17:12:15 Id:c21e5a No. 188588 [Reply]
Cleaning out my collection so I will be posting a link with 80 older videos of her shortly.
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Last weigh-in before she decided to lose weight and before she decided to gain weight again. It's 124 kg. Her highest weight.
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Hello everyone. The videos you share are really great. I've been looking for a video for a long time. I hope someone can help me.
>>188588 Thanks for sharing 78 videos of her. Do you have the one with her and Santa? If you have it, please share it too.>>188588
Hello everyone. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong when posting or breaking any rules. If that's the case, I'm very sorry. I haven't been doing this for very long. I'm happy to accept tips on posting. I think it's great here. So many people who understand me.

HLK Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 14:25:59 Id:23a7b8 No. 181763 [Reply]
Went through the whole site, didn't see a thread. New vid basically did nothing for me. Maybe someone else will enjoy. Bought on sale, still mixed feelings. https://gofile.io/d/bvHGyl
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>>193742 same weight as ever
Is she made of plastic?
>>193758 I'm uploading all her weighin videos I have of her. The vids I have of her have her between 220 and then 260lbs.
Here's all her weigh in videos that I have of her. Her heaviest is the one I uploaded earlier today. https://gofile.io/d/emAwJv
>>193787 They call you Dan the Man for a reason, thanks!

FatAssRuby 02/02/2025 (Sun) 02:42:19 Id:9fa840 No. 191799 [Reply]
Share everything you have https://gofile.io/d/a6c17e63-62c0-4b31-91e5-16090639c23d
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>>191811 thank you man. never heard of this chick before so very nice addition to the collection!
>>191811 Dude comes in with the most epic of drops!!!
>>191811 Thanks a lot. It's a pity she disappeared. She had one of the best bodies in the game imo. She looked so big and thicc.
https://gofile.io/d/zJo3iZ most has already been posted here but might post most more later
>>192692 Wrong files? I didn't know about her and love these videos >>191811 uploaded. She was active sunday on curvage, but doesn't receive messages or sell her clips anymore. There are some on her curvage list that sound fire. Anyone know why her presence is so wiped out?

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Chubby Katharina Agapow 01/31/2025 (Fri) 02:43:53 Id:ba797d No. 191443 [Reply]
I always wanted to show off my figure.
what a cutie
Lovely belly-hang, are you currently gaining?
Here my big stuffed belly after being at my towndown buffet. If any of you sweeties know place to post videos of my belly please let me know.2c
>>193694 Looking good! Have any socials?
Nice and thicc. Per your stretch marks, you've been gaining lately. How much? I'd suggest reddit, Tumblr and fantasy feeder for showing off/posting pics.

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LHarmon 12/15/2024 (Sun) 21:34:33 Id:c65a40 No. 185441 [Reply]
A real cutie who has been around for a period, but has recently stepped up her gain. Says she needs to slow it down now as nothing fits. Give her some support so she can size up and continue. A couple old and a couple new - look at those outgrown scrubs https://gofile.io/d/XaVPtF
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>>193367 very nice, thanks for taking the time
Imagine if she ever filmed herself eating, or did anything besides the same video where she stands and drinks a white claw over and over
>>193374 Thanks! She's getting so round. I just wish she'd wear sexy outfits & do different poses again.
>>193367 omg she is the best. I neee she starts showing her growing little tits again!!
>>193377 lmao yep, aint subscribing for "stand and talk, touch belly, put belly on chair, drink white claw, burp" over and over

Maria Alive Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 04:34:57 Id:60d8a3 No. 149859 [Reply] [Last]
Maria seems to have gotten on the chubby train the last few months. Here is a few recent OF vids from her. Would love for other to share what they got too. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkZ6VUhWU2RUTTBUVVk9 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV0U0VkZSalpVSlhOMGM9
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>>190679 Best you’ve ever looked. Hope you keep it up. Love that you’re getting a gut
>>190739 Gold bond helps. I’ve heard of others using deodorant as well. Anything that gets rid of the friction - source: am fat
>>191018 I use a mix of olive oil and shea butter, keeps it moist and slick all day. Hope it also helps with my stretch marks, suddenly got a bunch of new ones.
This is gonna make you luagh cuz you hate me but use Monistat for chub rub.
>>149859 her cm is dead rn

Lovinglypiggy / NiaBrooks Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 11:17:58 Id:85a589 No. 179409 [Reply]
I just found out Lovinglypiggy started posting on curvage as NiaBrooks. She has one of the hottest lower bellies and gained quite a bit. I still have some old videos of her: https://gofile.io/d/RFHQFE Anyone willing to share some of her new stuff?
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Someone have any video?
>>184054 Is that really her?
New video: https://gofile.io/d/7kr0td Looking for Greedy Girlfriend 20 Minutes Birthday Cake Stuffing and Fat Therapist Helps Your Obsession please :)
>>193324 'This content does not exist' error

Jasminexo 10/03/2024 (Thu) 18:55:25 Id:0201bf No. 176296 [Reply]
last thread died https://mega.nz/folder/QTEh0IJT#FZy14d62gFbBNTQvm9Diug
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>>192758 Could you convert them into mp4?
I’ll try to convert them to MP4.
>>192842 Has anyone else had problems with gofile's new interface no longer providing previews for Apple files?
>>192862 you can use handbrake to do it pretty easily and without much headache yeah gofile has started wigging out and not showing previews for that file format. not sure why they're so retarded but they're still the best option for uploads
Does anyone have this please? "try on fail w/ corsets/shapewear ♥️ accidentally flashing my pussy to everyone almost the entire time lmfao"

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Onelovechels, Tiktoker/influencer purposefully gaining weight Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 17:17:09 Id:67191a No. 192840 [Reply]
Found this girl on tiktok who’s purposefully gaining weight and has supposedly gained 85 pounds in the past few years. Here’s her socials https://www.tiktok.com/@onelovechels?_t=ZT-8tkXdVSJFE2&_r=1 https://www.instagram.com/onelovechels?igsh=YXdnc2ZjbWU1aWw2 https://www.reddit.com/u/onelovechels/s/iF4KCwjhNp
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Before pic of her
saw her on twitter, she’s pretty hot I didn’t think she was into the fetish though
>>193301 Makes it hotter when they just naturally pig out and make themselves this way

Chubbinikki Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 00:57:21 Id:017f38 No. 181492 [Reply]
Anyone got more of her? This is all I got https://gofile.io/d/0hOskL
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>>189745 This one https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/108969.html
>>189712 Here's one of the Black Cat videos https://gofile.io/d/hBEgMu
>>189841 I actually already have that video, I wanted the I ate spidey one, but cheers.
>>191749 Thanks!

Naty_1999 Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 10:09:04 Id:edaa28 No. 172306 [Reply] [Last]
New thread since last one was taken down. If anyone has anymore stuff to share please do so. https://www.reddit.com/user/naty_1999/
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>>192820 Not like this is a fetish or anything
>>192527 You're delusional, she looks no different than 9 months ago
She was prettier when she was skinnier>>172306
>>193111 This website isn't for you.
>>193116 But i like bigcutiechloe with 315LB
