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Bustysunshin / elle delight Bustysunshin / elle delight 09/27/2024 (Fri) 19:37:01 Id:d8cbc7 No. 175514 [Reply]
Starting a thread for Bustysunshin on c4s and hoping others will share. Here's a video. https://gofile.io/d/UArBvr especially looking for https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/63025/25243243/with-mp4
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https://gofile.io/d/a345dff2-c299-4af6-b0bc-c2ab09ae79ab A few more
Not public
>>176267 Thanks for great upload.

BlondeGothPrincess Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:39:13 Id:607855 No. 174161 [Reply]
I don't know why she doesn't have a thread yet. But I thought I'd make one because she's very hot and her videos are really good. So here are two videos of her: https://gofile.io/d/QTY5bU
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>>174161 New vid looks hot
>>179632 >https://gofile.io/d/yIIcj9 much thanks king!
>>179632 ur the goat, she doesn't miss
she had such a hot belly! thanks for share

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Compilations Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 16:00:15 Id:688472 No. 176413 [Reply]
Haven’t seen a thread for compilation videos in awhile. Share what you have this is what I got https://mega.nz/folder/KfozQB6T#cJ38LpltLYOOIySxvL7Zdg
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>>178438 Creampuff
>>178032 mcsnob you're doing gods work ty for your many gifts to the culture
>>176548 That's Luna Rosa, she has an OF
Here's a burp comp of Chubbibby and Gaining Peach that I made https://gofile.io/d/KIudv1
thanks you dude great job!

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2bitwonder 06/08/2024 (Sat) 19:45:07 Id:1ee2fc No. 161668 [Reply] [Last]
Following the guy whose uploading shit from his harddrive. The past two months I've came to the realization that I have too much porn so I'm gonna upload shit that I'll delete on my drive. Idk giving back I guess. I'll start with darthjadder first https://we.tl/t-bkW711lnJV
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>>161703 Just got and shared a clip: https://gofile.io/d/rJ1wMt Does anyone have any other videos of her [Elle Delight]? There’s the one on YouTube and the one on ThisVid, which in addition to this one, I uploaded to StufferDB so it would be more consistent, but she definitely has more content.
Some Sensu@l @mber Stuff https://gofile.io/d/BEyoCE
>>179674 Cute girl, can't find more of her though
>>179674 Very hot, would love to see more of her
tnx! amazing!

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Natusik feedee Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 08:15:26 Id:84f5b9 No. 174840 [Reply]
Any videos of her? She is beautiful but I can't find anything
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She did not post any new content on that site 😔 money well spent
>>175461 Can you post a new/recent photo of her?
>>175485 No, i dont subscribed. On forum last photo was 4 months ago, but she is active as user. Maybe she has telegram channel but i dont know it. Sorry, i dont follow her activity so much.
>>175543 She seems like a slow & steady gainer, check back in a few years.
uhmm,,, I don´t tink so

@nali S@nchez Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 21:55:00 Id:30a2cd No. 172789 [Reply]
Massive Mexican BBW.
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>>173603 Meant lost not post. i fat fingered
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Never seen this pics before. Does she still do belly pics. Does she post on her OF consistently.
>>173984 >>173538 >>173529 >>173417 Thank you for the shares, dudes.
Great! thank you so much!!

Teapot Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 22:30:32 Id:7f90a2 No. 180089 [Reply]
Super underrated curvage model who loved stuffing herself but stopped posting about a year ago. Hoping someone here has her last two videos, the soda chugging and ice cream tubs ones Here's one I got https://gofile.io/d/omSspi
Damn, that was pretty impressive if she really ate all of them. Great belly too.
she's been inactive for the last year, i uploaded the majority of her content in my thread but i'll link it here too. https://gofile.io/d/YXL3HQ
>>180118 Thanks happy nutting
>>180118 Thanks! she was great!

Naty_1999 Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 10:09:04 Id:edaa28 No. 172306 [Reply]
New thread since last one was taken down. If anyone has anymore stuff to share please do so. https://www.reddit.com/user/naty_1999/
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>>179830 just fuck off
What I’m not understanding is that her reaction to someone trying to doxx her (did she even know about the thread here?) was to go through and selectively remove content from her OF while still keeping up stuff referencing being kept in a cage and force fed, tied to a bed, etc. How was that content any more damaging? She started OF in May and Coomer has content going back to then with regular intervals of updates. She still posts regularly even now and is still showing her face so I’m not understanding why the doxx incident in September led to some mini purge…
>>180029 I'm not sure if you know what being doxxed actually entails. The person was who was doxxing was gathering information related to her life outside of Onlyfans, including her location, which potentially leads to in-person harassment and stalking. If that sort of information can be gathered from specific videos, its best to purge them to prevent that from happening. The line that was drawn for her was obviously that she's fine with sharing her kinks behind a paywall online. You can ignore threats and harassment online, but when it crosses over into the real world, is where it becomes dangerous to keep that sort of things up. Saying you have a kink isn't going to have people come up to your front door. People online, especially when it comes to women, go to extreme lengths to make their presence known, and it's fucking disgusting.
Let's end the doxx discussion, I'm worried it'll eventually lead to another deleted thread or the worst case scenario of her leaving making content all together. Would hate to have another LMBB. Lets just appreciate a good model while we have her around.
>>179911 What did she delete?

She big Rylie Haze 09/20/2024 (Fri) 07:08:37 Id:e046f8 No. 174384 [Reply]
She big
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>>180040 her of
>>180064 Appears coomer isn't working (again)
>>180079 No it works. Look at the recent posts. Some imports date back from yesterday. It looks like someone is not updating her specifically.
>>180095 It's not worth it getting updated. She stopped running a real OF a few months back and it became pretty shitty. Posts were just rehashed old pictures and everything else was PPV video content. I think she may have tapped out and jibbed her account off to someone to run for her like Aliss did.
>>180079 >>180095 .>>180103 Figured it out - my old bookmarks with coomer.party no longer work - editing to coomer.su finds the site again. But agree, her OF is now shit. Just like Aliss and a few others who have a bot manage with ppv's galore

Lilou - FatFrenchWoman Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 23:02:10 Id:710ec3 No. 177251 [Reply]
If anyone's got her other vids this is the best place to share them https://gofile.io/d/nhSGZw
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Watching that video where she speaks in French is one of the hottest things I've ever seen
Her new vid looks absolutely fire
>>177344 She’s water marking vids so maybe upload it here since it’s prob gonna be harder in the future?
Here is the new vid, get it while it lasts ! https://gofile.io/d/tjHCp6
>>180041 Thanks mate, as a french this is a pure treasure for my ears.

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johanamaya81 Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 13:19:02 Id:22f966 No. 180035 [Reply]
Tape dump. https://we.tl/t-sD03T5ipjA If anyone has any more of her tapes or her live vids, please share them

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Big Cutie Callie Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 11:15:50 Id:46eb27 No. 180028 [Reply]
I know she isn't really popular or well-known, but I know her vids were floating around at some point. Anyone have more of her stuff? Or at least the pic-rel set where she was dancing around in a white shirt and panties? YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkKGZhdHR5KUM5c2VtVklkV3BvWkhWTFdTOTFjekk9
