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Kimberly Marvel Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 03:43:16 Id:b94425 No. 189255 [Reply]
Hoping to get a thread going with this underrated feedee from an underrated site TaylorMadeClips. Here's a sexy donut stuffing from her: https://gofile.io/d/VXzmBL Looking for Bellies Up to the Bar if anyone has!
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I was just about to post a thread, then I found this one. Here to try and revive it with a little contribution. https://gofile.io/d/lW20ox
Is the breakfast video from claire's studio still floating around? I remember watching it back in the day but can't find it for a long while now
>>189330 >>189255 Underrated?? Are you a corona kid or whatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚?? She's what got at least half of the weight gain fetish community into this fetish.
>>189353 Damn good collection, thanks! Many of these are on the rarer find side making it even better.
I cannot state how much I love yall for this. PLEASE does anyone have the belly dance vid of her? I saw it when I was a preteen and have been dying for the vid since

HLK Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 14:25:59 Id:23a7b8 No. 181763 [Reply]
Went through the whole site, didn't see a thread. New vid basically did nothing for me. Maybe someone else will enjoy. Bought on sale, still mixed feelings. https://gofile.io/d/bvHGyl
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Damn am I the only one who thinks sheā€™s definitely been swelling up lately?? She looks great. This girl is for sure the most batshit model out there though Iā€™ll give you all that
>>181869 Why does her sister look like student beauticians were allowed to go to town on a corpse?
Does she still post on OF? Coomer is still back in May
>>190508 People have to care about her content to be willing to update the coomer. She's kinda dogwater
>>190711 Yeah, you can tell she's not into it at all and is not good at acting like she is which is a shame cause a fitness model turned fatty is a pretty hot fantasy.

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Stnthcc Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:18:20 Id:69934a No. 167394 [Reply] [Last]
She's getting pretty large, here's a recent short from her OF.
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>>190482 ain't no way you just encoded a coomer link
https://gofile.io/d/WP6uSx Short walking video she looks huge in at the bottom and some free pics. Sorry but there really isn't much more content unless you wanna spend another $100. Hope you guys enjoy :)
https://gofile.io/d/bz0gH1 Another video I found. 11 minute tight outfit try-on
>>190566 all available on her coomer but thx
did anyone ever share the weigh in number? sheā€™s looking leaner these days

SBB Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 00:23:27 Id:f0653c No. 189497 [Reply]
My god she's fucking hot and has goated burps too! Recently discovered her and she reminded me why I love ebony feedees. I only have these 3 videos I pulled from thisvid, so if you have anymore please share! Her name is on the files to avoid this thread from showing up when you type her name. https://gofile.io/d/GA4MbR
The goat of the burps for real. Just checked her, I can't believe she doesn't have more followers.
she doesnt have many followers probably cause she doesnt show her face. also even thou her burps are amazing she doesnt do enough belly play IMO
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56693-horny-burps/ I love how cheap her videos are? Also she posted a new video
https://gofile.io/d/9G5v24 video i have
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56876-burping-compilation/ Released a burp compilation

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Jessie Minx 01/17/2025 (Fri) 07:53:56 Id:e2f050 No. 189533 [Reply]
It's a crime to not have an active thread on her. Here's ThickFilA, basic I know, but its all I have left after a corruption. YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5QlNHaERNVE09 Would love to see what you boys got of her. Big fan of her joi/masturbation content and anything with that elite belly hang.
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>>189910 I think part of why she stayed fat for so long was because she was planning on doing the transfer. More fat=bigger tits, so she kept most of it. Long term, itll be interesting to see if she maintains the weight necessary or loses more. But she's said she's done with stuffing/gaining.
yeah she basically said the main goal of the lipo was just to remove the belly fat and pumping it into her tits was a nice bonus to plump them up a bit so she deifintely hates her belly and isn't going to continue gaining if she can help it
https://mega.nz/folder/kmgkURaR#xdPj2SrIFJy0ZlZntFRGiQ Here you go, anons
And some pregnancy content as well https://mega.nz/folder/wiwUwaiJ#QxM_aaJxu5gr6Aj2oqMc5w
>>190561 Thanks bro

Sweet Chubby Ren Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:11:20 Id:491efa No. 189493 [Reply]
Curvage Model https://gofile.io/d/Ste5xB
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>>190100 >it takes her 20 minutes to eat only three burgers and get through half a liter of coke >she's gagging halfway through the third burger >speeds up the video to obfuscate how slow she's eating the fourth and fifth burger, still gagging despite the slow eating for someone to be "mochii the sequel", they should probably be able to actually eat a lot of food
>>190377 filipino women tend to look the same
>>190162 >>190377 >>190523 Mochii got fat during the lockdowns and lived off of greasy American takeout. This chick and every other filipina can't replicate those factors even if they tried.
>>190536 Mochii was an odd case because she was so tiny and athletic prior to. Most South East Asian women have a slower metabolism, eat a lot of carbs, they are one misstep away from gaining nonstop and ending up huge. Case in point the Philippines has a lot of natural fatties. And Filipino diets and food are more carb heavy than American. My wife's just about a month out from our last pregnancy. She is 5'3 and sitting at 225-230. She's gained about 10lbs since last month, but after next week we are speeding things up. By the end of this year she'll be around 300lbs and in 3 she's going to hit 500lbs.
>>190567 Absolutely spot on. One of my exes was tiny her whole life until she was introduced to the Amerislop. All it takes is one month of inactivity and the softening begins

Chubbie Bunnie Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 21:15:45 Id:62f97d No. 184186 [Reply]
Wondering if someone have the newest vid. Here's my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/78639615-6c54-4f1f-888c-1c390e4a992f
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>>190350 here you have: https://gofile.io/d/6hJWc0
Didn't she say in her cruise video she was like 290
I re watched her cruise video she said she got in a lift (elevator) with her parents - it had a weight limit of 250kg (551 lbs) and the warning said they were over the limit. She said her parents were both about 160lbs each and she was about 270 so she had to get out and ride on her own. Which I'm gonna be honest sounded hot as hell
Anyone reup cruise vid?

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Ceciliaxemily Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 19:20:50 Id:fcc8d0 No. 189610 [Reply]
Underrated fatty, definitely deserves a thread. https://gofile.io/d/SLtlJk If anyone could update her coomer itā€™d be very much appreciated!
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she would be amazing if her content wasn't so sub par. she's one of those who gets a bunch of sweets and then eats three of them and video is over. also the whispery babydoll voice gives me major childhood trauma vibes.
Is there any before pictures of this chick? Wonder if shes actually growing.
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>>190023 She sounds like bill murray in caddyshack
>>190072 Sheā€™s definitely gained some weight, wish sheā€™d show some older pics of her though Iā€™m not sure if she has
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New video dropped on her of!

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Cortnie Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 06:41:03 Id:89de75 No. 190322 [Reply]
Someone put this vid on YT today, said it was ā€œCortnie BBW.ā€ Google didnā€™t turn anything up but she has great burps and a nice body so I was hoping someone had more of her stuff https://gofile.io/d/7DFTUb
https://gofile.io/d/dWh8an reuploaded your vid. protip: use yt-dlp to download youtube videos. the full quality video is just 25mb (no compression or any other nonsense). much better than screen recording and turning a 3 minute 720p video into 400+ megabytes like a retard. anyway good find, thank you. no clue who she is.
>>190322 crazy burps, too bad she's most likely that one time hot gal that isnt active anymore
Imagine she would do real burping instead of forced inhaling firstā€¦

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Jess 01/23/2025 (Thu) 11:47:17 Id:be757b No. 190341 [Reply]
Needs more of her vids. No coomer https://gofile.io/d/1JJztA
She's @jessbbw from OF

Roundest Belly Thread 4 Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 20:47:43 Id:21e35e No. 133873 [Reply] [Last]
That's right, round 4 fuckers.
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>>191142 Ah yes more fake and garbage trash of fake belly and morphs.
More over she lies about how much she really eats in a day or month claiming to have drank 12L of liquid in one day. And eaten 20kg worth of food in one month. Which is flase news as no human no matter size, gender or anything else can hold that much and not get sick or get major stomach pains.
>>191144 If you want to post this garbage post it on a 8chan dedicated to her and keep her worthless pics off this one.
>>191945 I could agree but none of her photos are bare doesn't that raise a eyebrow to why hmm. Simply said morphs are more noticed on bare skin not so on fabrics. Unless one has a good eye.
>>190881 She's back on Twitter/X as trippin0nacid

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Our Girl Alexandra Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 17:58:11 Id:891515 No. 141569 [Reply] [Last]
LEGENDS NEVER DIE. Last thread lasted 2 years. Time to renew. Make sure to pull everything you want from the old thread. aHR0cHM6Ly9jb29tZXIuc3Uvb25seWZhbnMvdXNlci9hbGV4YW5kcmFhc2NlbmRz
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>>189557 Been the same content year after year
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Just when I was trying to make a good before/after comparison, she posts a full body shot for us. What a babe!
>>189578 tbh she's already pretty blobbish, she's just got godsent proportions
Sheā€™s definitely gained, the last year or so especially - just looks massive
She's one of the few woman who give me this vibe: The "attractive woman keeps getting spoiled and can't control herself, so the pounds pile on which result in more attention and spoiling, and thus more pounds."

KittyPiggy Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 22:19:49 Id:eeaf19 No. 174612 [Reply] [Last]
Wanted to start a thread for her again to see if we can compile what we all have. Looking for Workout Fail ft. Aliss Bonython. First pic is a screen grab from that video. Here is Secret Stuffing which I have not yet seen posted before: https://gofile.io/d/4NPRjM
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>>187949 Hot as fuck
Here are a few vids of her biggest.if people could share anything they have of her. Just realised she took down her C4S. https://gofile.io/d/hEjIyW
>>187959 Wrong thread
Does anyone know her IG?
>>190188 It used to be looksbylucyrose. But I think she deleted it

Udderlyadorable 07/04/2024 (Thu) 17:02:45 Id:b1ae7e No. 164502 [Reply] [Last]
The last thread was full, so it's better to start another one, here I leave some relatively new videos. https://gofile.io/d/0Nqykr I'm looking for the Tipsy Truth or Dare one https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/40107-tipsy-truth-or-dare/
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>>190555 >>190556 thanks for the share, it works for me just fine
>>188436 >>188406 Wait where can I view this story? is it deleted?
>>190183 https://gofile.io/d/MqBH7B
>>191073 Her šŸ± kinda looks weird to me, but luckily her body is shaped like a goddess. I wish I had money to watch her new curvage videos god damn
>>191073 >https://gofile.io/d/MqBH7B holy shit is this the first time shes shown her pussy off clearly? its always obscured by her tummy

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ATHE....NA!!! AND MOOORE ATHE....NA!!! 12/13/2024 (Fri) 04:43:41 Id:e5b647 No. 185148 [Reply]
Enjoy!!! https%3A%2F%2Fgofile.io%2Fd%2FzIJMg7
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>>186728 >https://gofile.io/d/GwCRbC thanks alot, would have done it myself if paypal was supported on curvage...
God bless you and we too
>>185148 Did she dye her hair to look like Billie Eilish?
>>190150 it's an old vid. From '22 or '23. . I remember one of her first vids, when she didn't hav the shitty tattoos and was still young. Don't think it was even recorded in good quality. Maybe it'll be able to restore them with AI. Likely a lot easier than making up whole new videos. Probably the sexiest woman ever. That she blimped out like this is incredible, though unsurprising considering her social class. Wish she was a 20% better actress. I can't listen to most of her videos, she can't act good enough.
