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blondiee.18 Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 22:11:54 Id:0bf99e No. 163363 [Reply] [Last]
new thread bc the last one got bumplocked. hopefully we can keep this one more focused, she's been gaining like crazy this year, with the stretchmarks to prove it. here's a few newer vids and a couple older vids from her onlyfans. if anyone has anything that hasnt been shared yet, please upload. she has a 24 hour sale on her curvage right now for her latest 4 vids. https://we.tl/t-NHnRFrEEST
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https://gofile.io/d/0fa2ff8e-e6bd-4c67-9cea-860020797ed5 Thanksgiving Stuffing Farts at 8:38, 10:50, 13:08, and 15:28
not public
My bad, this one should work: https://gofile.io/d/M0DqXn
Here's her latest 3 vids https://gofile.io/d/gDluaO
Has anyone got her latest public stuffing vid?

TFA Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 16:52:42 Id:2e4dc2 No. 192184 [Reply]
How come there isn't a topic for it? https://onlyfans.com/mimi.foxy2012 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/220495-thickfoxyasian/ My contributions: https://gofile.io/d/UPh1bn
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>>192391 Goat <3
Has someone the newest Curvage Clips of her?
>>194013 >>192391 >>192453 I think between these 2 that's everything. No new curvage vids in a while
>>194169 ahh okay man but there are so much more vids of her on curvage
Can anyone repost the mab link?

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GainingBunny GainingBunny 02/19/2025 (Wed) 11:59:15 Id:9caab2 No. 194324 [Reply]
Seems like she is back on Tumblr and has gotten fatter. She finally looks soft and flabby now instead of just bloated (first two pics are old, last two pics are recent from Tumblr). One of the goats hope she gets fat af now. Anyone have any more of her content? She's so hot. Here's what I have to start: https://gofile.io/d/dOXxwK
She’s so skinny lmao
Honestly the funniest thing happen when she made a post saying she won't re-share or send old content but you could literally find everything if you just search her name lol
>>194338 Hey, you have to start somewhere - unless you are one of the many "been fat all my life" types that come into the fetish just to make some bucks. Personally, a cute, fit to fat one will always peak my interest to follow through their gain than an already obese, far too often fugly, sort
>>194341 Go to her page, sort by videos. If that's not everything it's most of it. It makes this thread pretty pointless
>>194338 Eh, to me the hottest feedees are the ones that started out skinny (Candii, LMBB, Tiana, Blondiee, Shar, GGG, etc.). Hopefully this chick follows that trajectory.

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Weight Gain Progression: Part 3 Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:03:46 Id:bde758 No. 177536 [Reply] [Last]
We're so back! Share your favorite before and after pics/vids. https://gofile.io/d/31bvZG
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Asian gal gets huge
>>194176 Who is she?
>>194368 I second this, who is she
It’s a deepfake of another girl

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Fat belly & huge tits combo 01/11/2025 (Sat) 19:35:23 Id:050f7c No. 188841 [Reply]
I love this combo so here is a part of my collection for guys who love this body type too : https://gofile.io/d/HpqNZQ
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>>190657 Love her face and figure
>>190595 She used to cam on CB as lily_tayler and lily_tayler51
>>190597 yeah after I posted it I found a couple of her vids via google image search but no luck on Wayback on my end either.
Her name is Pethugeballon if ANYONE has any more content of her plz bless us https://gofile.io/d/ONvzTi
really the best shape imo oo O

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Kimberly Marvel Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 03:43:16 Id:b94425 No. 189255 [Reply]
Hoping to get a thread going with this underrated feedee from an underrated site TaylorMadeClips. Here's a sexy donut stuffing from her: https://gofile.io/d/VXzmBL Looking for Bellies Up to the Bar if anyone has!
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>>189330 >>189255 Underrated?? Are you a corona kid or what😂😂?? She's what got at least half of the weight gain fetish community into this fetish.
>>189353 Damn good collection, thanks! Many of these are on the rarer find side making it even better.
I cannot state how much I love yall for this. PLEASE does anyone have the belly dance vid of her? I saw it when I was a preteen and have been dying for the vid since
A burp compilation of her https://gofile.io/d/QXUVSe
anyone got the ultimate belly exam video of kimberly

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Jessie Minx 01/17/2025 (Fri) 07:53:56 Id:e2f050 No. 189533 [Reply]
It's a crime to not have an active thread on her. Here's ThickFilA, basic I know, but its all I have left after a corruption. YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5QlNHaERNVE09 Would love to see what you boys got of her. Big fan of her joi/masturbation content and anything with that elite belly hang.
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yeah she basically said the main goal of the lipo was just to remove the belly fat and pumping it into her tits was a nice bonus to plump them up a bit so she deifintely hates her belly and isn't going to continue gaining if she can help it
https://mega.nz/folder/kmgkURaR#xdPj2SrIFJy0ZlZntFRGiQ Here you go, anons
And some pregnancy content as well https://mega.nz/folder/wiwUwaiJ#QxM_aaJxu5gr6Aj2oqMc5w
>>190561 Thanks bro
>>189982 Damn, that's disappointing.

Big Belly Amber Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:31:36 Id:07c890 No. 179546 [Reply]
Kickstarting a thread on her by sharing this video, she's such a gorgeous pig. https://gofile.io/d/KIL7AG
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>>193876 Idk what it is but I will resend later today
Every one, try uploading on Mab. Gofile ca be striked for copyright
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https://gofile.io/d/NjIl3d Oh well get it before it’s down
Hello everyone, there is. Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/JIKm71
It's empy, my guy

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Some content of Xehilia Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 14:33:34 Id:88354a No. 193652 [Reply]
She's been my favorite BBW for the last few months. Her eating.su is just previews, does anyone there have any content of it?
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not much on her of, and she wanted $700 for a mukbang video.
>>193652 Way overpriced everything. I don't think much content is out there just because of that.
https://gofile.io/d/sHhhu9 She used to send out vids like these through DM every monday. Dunno if she still does. Anyway's, agreed, she's smokin hot
>>194262 Thanks. Shes hot af.

Curvyvixen07/Porkyprincess Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 14:47:43 Id:5a0e60 No. 194158 [Reply]
Let's get started with a thread of her!
Here's all of my content on her: https://gofile.io/d/3qgn4d
>>194202 Brother i've for years ive tried digging for these vids but couldn't find anything, thank you you are a lifesaver!

Mochii Babii 09/11/2024 (Wed) 05:12:08 Id:2e91f6 No. 173222 [Reply] [Last]
https://linktr.ee/MochiiBabii shes offering a free subscription
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>>194188 no she looks like a giant slob and I love it, I wish I was her boyfriend
Is this a new Mochii pic?
That white art piece looks like her old apartment
>>194194 For ugly bitches who can't eat properly. No. I'm here for hot fat chicks
>>194207 It's almost 3 years old and on the first page of her stufferdb profile. Dunno what the moron who posted this wanted to accomplish.

dee's weight gain 01/09/2025 (Thu) 20:21:18 Id:bb75ac No. 188607 [Reply]
there used to be a lot of videos of her back in the day but its hard to find anything nowadays. heres my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/MtvAkt
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some videos I got https://gofile.io/d/LRtSgl
she was always so hot, such a shame she lost so much weight
>>189259 Really?
Does anyone happen to have her most recent belly button play video on curvage?
Can someone download this video from ThisVid? https://thisvid.com/videos/dees-weight-gain2/

Jalisa elite Jelisa elite thread 12/13/2024 (Fri) 01:30:55 Id:1cbaab No. 185124 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone else got jelisa elite I’ll start https://gofile.io/d/HtXqOM
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>>193763 The decryption keys are unintelligible, the fact it has both O and 0 is dogshit.
>>185124 Both links in the image are down, have you tried using mab?
>>193801 meant for >>193763
>>193763 Try mab indeed
>>193342 https://youtu.be/TLj9_6xi4Hc Here she burps. If anyone has more burping vids please share.

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Thiccvanessa/Thickvanessa Thiccvanessa/Thickvanessa 02/17/2025 (Mon) 19:12:45 Id:61bfe2 No. 194051 [Reply]
Does any have new or rare thickvanessa vids?

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Happy Holidays Merry Christmas! 12/25/2023 (Mon) 23:19:56 Id:22ba18 No. 141370 [Reply] [Last]
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>>191295 impressive whale, congrats m8 for the such a great hunt
forgot where this came from, reupping here https://gofile.io/d/bAIH9k
These are the best videos ever made. I can’t stop watching them.
Any recent meetups OP? Been excited to hear from you again.
>>193746 No way he's still checking this thread bro, only gonna get re-ups on here now. Good whilst it lasted.
